Thursday, June 4, 2009

Guess who

Guess Got a free umbrella at Sephora and used it to keep dry today

Hint: It was me.
Just kidding I didn't use it outside today, but it was free.  Thanks Sepohra!  Seriously, if you haven't gone yet GO HOLY SHIT IT IS AMAZING.  When I walked in there I was like mother fucking Arthur finding the mother fucking Holy Grail. 
I think I am in love.

face-Trish & Steve
make up-Sephora 


Andrew said...


Emma said...

this post made me lol

Meghan and Lana said...

Hahaha motherfucking arthur and his motherfucking holy grail.

You are tres cute, I'm going to go get a free umbrella, while quantities last.

xo LB

Stacy said...

sephora is amazing and that umbrella is too cute! great catch

Anonymous said...

i love free stuff, cute umbrella!

Shade said...

hahahah cutie umbrellie